Guides for writing your resume
Resumes for a consulting job look very different from your typical academic C.V. Luckily, there are guides online that offer some great tips!
IGotAnOffer Guides
McKinsey’s Website
Resume review for BGE graduate students
Once you have a draft resumé, it’s time to get some feedback! Arrange for a meeting with a career coach in the Office of Career Strategy and Professional Development.
- For BGE MS and PhD students only
Resume review for all graduate students
Once you have a draft resumé, it’s time to get some feedback! Arrange for a meeting with a career coach in the Graduate Career Center.
- For all Masters and PhD students at Georgetown
Guides for writing your
cover letter
Cover letters are not a typical part of your graduate school education, but they are essential for your post-graduate school life! Some firms, such as McKinsey, actually don’t require cover letters, so make sure to check the applications for individual firms.
IGotAnOffer Guide